LDAP Queries Continue

As in my prior post I mentioned how to retrieve the LDAP url and primary server and port for queries I found also the need to identify the path to a particular active directory object, lets say, I have a group name but I need to find the LDAP id for it, how can I do that?

We’ll, I have found an implementation on Excel (if you search for the code you will find several examples with the same thing)

I don’t remember where I found the code from, so I can’t provide a link to the source but here it is:

Function getLDAPName(ByVal SearchField As String, ByVal SearchString As String, ByVal ReturnField As String)
‘Declare Variables
Dim objAdoCon, objAdoCmd, objAdoRS
Dim objUser, objRootDSE
Dim strDomainDN, strUserFullName
Dim intAnswer As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_NoNetwork

‘ Get the DN of the user’s domain
Set objRootDSE = GetObject(“LDAP://rootDSE”)
strDomainDN = objRootDSE.Get(“defaultNamingContext”)

‘ Search the domain for the user’s account object
Set objAdoCon = CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)
objAdoCon.Open “Provider=ADsDSOObject;”

Set objAdoCmd = CreateObject(“ADODB.Command”)
Set objAdoCmd.ActiveConnection = objAdoCon

objAdoCmd.CommandText = _
“SELECT ADsPath,samAccountName FROM ‘LDAP://” & strDomainDN & “‘ WHERE ” & _
“objectCategory=’person’ AND objectClass=’user’ AND ” & _
SearchField & “='” & SearchString & “‘”

‘ “DisplayName='” & clockNumber & “‘”
‘ “sAMAccountName='” & clockNumber & “‘”

Set objAdoRS = objAdoCmd.Execute

‘ If found, get the displayName attribute.

If (Not objAdoRS.EOF) Then
Set objUser = GetObject(objAdoRS.Fields(“ADsPath”).Value)

objUser.GetInfoEx Array(ReturnField), 0
getLDAPName = objUser.Get(ReturnField)

Set objUser = Nothing

‘ handle “not found” error here
GoTo Err_NoNetwork
End If

Set objAdoRS = Nothing
Set objAdoCmd = Nothing
Set objAdoCon = Nothing

Set objRootDSE = Nothing
Set WshNetwork = Nothing
GoTo Exit_Sub

Exit Function

getLDAPName = “Error”
GoTo Exit_Sub
End Function

The most important detail in this code, is the Active directory query. (you can find a list of available properties in this link)

for example in the following query

select cn from LDAP://[LDAP URL] WHERE objectCategory=’group’ and cn=’MyGroupName’

(*Update): When you are querying for a name and you need to filter on a partial string (LIKE statement) you can use the ‘*’ so ‘MyGro*’ will look for anything starting with MyGro and ‘M*yGroupName’ will search for anything with starting M and anything between the yGro.

What I am looking for is the common name of the MyGroupName, and a list of properties can be specified (the full list on the link above)

but If you change the specific attribute for a ‘*’ interestingly enough you won’t get all parameters (as a sql query would) but you receive the full LDAP object name in the value field.

The query  highlighted in blue uses * to search for a group:


As you can see the value field lists the entire tree to find the object

You can review the objec with little more detail (using the immediate window)


so, as you can see in this post, you can find a lot of detail for an account or group on active directory using any VBA tool available to you (instead of having to download extra tools)


Deployment Recommendations

Today is a day of reflection, thinking of everything that happened the past couple of months lots of overtime due to a third party that carelessly released something that broke a lot of things, a mayor deployment was made, and 100’s of errors suddenly appeared.

That makes me think what happened to testing? What about standard practices on mayor deployments?

I had to spend a lot of time further enhancing our product prevent or fool proof it so that if they do something similar it won’t affect us, again…

Week after week of telling them about the errors, and explaining what we needed all went back to normal.

All starts with development, the first step for a successful deployment is testing, testing, testing.

You need to make sure the code you are delivering is rock solid, no uncaught exceptions, correct validations, etc. also you need to make sure it can be deployed.

And before I forget did I mention you have to test?

One comment heard was “but there are a million rules in the system”, well if you are going to do a mayor version upgrade that will affect all your customer that have millions of rules, well, you have a million tests to write.

Now, hold on a second a million tests?

By the time we will be live the application will already be obsolete …

All starts with prevention, Don’t you have your unit testing in place to automate the testing? (really?)

So let’s go to the second recommendation.

Let’s assume (as it happens very often) you don’t have your testing framework in place, let’s do the deployment, with one condition no down time or minimize the downtime.

What?, can’t do that? Don’t know how?

When a release is to be made, and there are too many rules or validations that you don’t have time to verify, a rollback strategy is required.(a rollback procedure is ALWAYS required)

The deployment process is simple: backup/deploy/test, all work?

Then good, It Doesn’t work? take 20 minutes to figure out why, still failing? rollback.

If the deployment is of a larger scale your planning has to be done with more care

Best approach? do a side by side deployment and start to roll out your customers one by one or in controlled groups so if one has an error we place him back to where he was (he was happy right? I know when things work I’m happy) then continue working on his issues until fixed then rinse and repeat for the next customer.

Its an slower approach but is the best one (little downtime, no headaches)

Another approach is to go cold turkey and place everyone at the same time to production, but this is risky and you risk your reputation and your customer’s Rep. which is by far the worst thing you can do, most likely after that they will want to get rid of you (and they will eventually)

(*rant start*) that is what happened to us,  we “the customer ” had to do the provider QA /QC (grrrr) we had no option for rollback “no we can’t do that” .. well that sucks big time and you know it homenet .. (* rant end*)

To sum up to do a deployment :

  1. Test
  2. integrate your code and test again
  3. backup
  4. deploy and test, if errors grant some minutes(not days) to fix
  5. if can’t fix, rollback
  6. if can’t rollback quit and go work on MacDonald’s (a poorly cooked hamburger can go to the trash and only 1 customer will be affected)

If for any reason you cannot do a partial upgrade or a roll forward approach something is not right on your design.

Always separate the layers on your application.


I will expand more on this next time. (UX stands for User Experience)